Storm Restoration

Wind Damage

High winds can tear and remove shingles, leaving the roof deck, underlayment or old shingles from a previous roof exposed to the elements. Wind can also lift and curl shingles by breaking the seal that bonds them together, leaving your roof vulnerable to wind-driven rain. Oftentimes, these damages are not visible to the untrained eye. We offer free inspections. If your roof and siding are in good shape, we will let you know. If they do need repair, we will work with your insurance company so there will be little or no out-of-pocket expense for you.

Hail Damage

Hail causes millions of dollars in property damage every year. Insidious in nature and not always visually evident, hail damage can dramatically shorten the lifespan of your roof. A significant percentage of roofs that are hit by hail never get replaced, because homeowners don’t see the damage. If the damage is there you may be entitled to a new roof, siding, and gutters paid by your insurance company. We offer free inspections and if the damage is there we will work with your insurance company to make it right again, at little or no cost at all.

Our Service

We offer free (no obligation) inspections. If your home has legitimate hail or wind damage, you may be entitled to replacement of your roof or siding at little or no cost to you through your homeowner’s insurance. We have an in-depth knowledge of the claims process, what is covered, what is excluded, and how to help prevent you from spending more than your deductible out-of-pocket. More importantly, we ensure that everything on the claim is clearly and specifically identified as legitimate hail/wind damage, so that you’re protected against insurance fraud and its heavy penalties.